Thursday, August 2, 2012

NBC pays $1.18 billion for Olympics

After so much hype with the Olympics, you begin to think... how much money is actually being spent here? I shared with my class today that Olympics sponsors (e.g., Coke, Acer, Samsung, McDonalds) pay $100 million for JUST the rights to use the Olympics symbol. That's not actually an advertising at all, just the rights to be able to use the olympics logo and state that you are an official sponsor of the Olympics. Ouch!

So then the question arises - how much is NBC paying to host the olympics? The olymipcs are essentially a syndicated program - in other words, a program that networks bid to host. In 2012, NBC paid $1.18 billion to host the olympics. NBC has won the bid for the next four olympics for a total cost of....

$4.38 billion! Wow... how many problems with world hunger could we solve with that amount of money? See more on these costs from the article.

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